About Tami
I was born in California, near L.A. but grew up in the Chicago suburbs. I have lived in Santa Fe New Mexico, Ashland Oregon, Mount Shasta California, and Asheville, North Carolina. I needed to follow my heart and soul to be around like minded people who appreciate the arts, spirituality and holistic health. I am grateful to now be back in the Chicago area to continue my journey for 2024 and beyond.
I have been a Creative Writer most of my life and I have a strong passion to write for and about children and animals. I have cherished my previous experience as an editor of a parenting magazine, and I am grateful to have met some amazing authors in my lifetime. I have many published articles at North State Parent magazine. They can be viewed below or at:
I invite you to let your inner child have some fun discovering all the areas of my website! I hope you enjoy my blog full of heartfelt words and the Typewriter Time Capsule from many decades of my life.
I have also been a Quilt Artist using photos to customize quilts and pillows. One I am especially proud of is featured in my published children's book, "Sunshine and The Power of Words".
I am a loving and compassionate being with a love for nature, kindness and self improvement. I have an adorably entertaining cat that thinks she is a dog. Lol
I am currently writing a series of children’s books on how energy affects the sensitive child. The main character, an old soul named Sunshine, has been in my heart for 50 years and I am thrilled to finally be sharing her with the world! This is a dream come true for me, and proof that it is never too late to follow your heart! We can all use a little Sunshine right now!
For more information on this series I invite you to check out my website:
Book #1 is available on Amazon now!
Book #2 is at the illustrator!
After 35+ years of parenting and extensively studying Spirituality, Reiki, Feng Shui and The LifeLine Technique®, I have much to share about my experiences. I am proud to be a highly sensitive person (HSP) that has raised two highly sensitive children (HSC) and I love to share my perspective! I have devoted a section of my blog to HSP's and my experiences. I am also launching my HSP website soon:
Infinite love and gratitude for stopping by! Please leave a comment or just say hi so we can stay connected.

It is because of my children that I am who I am today. They have been beautiful mirrors of my potential, and my weaknesses.... showing me who I am, and inspiring me to be the best ME I can be. They have taught me more than life itself has. It may not happen for everyone - but I learned what my triggers were, in a way that I began to choose NOT to be triggered... and also to see myself through the eyes of my children, and my inner child... Always trying to be conscious of the reality of unconditional love. They have shown me how to love with my whole heart, and to heal those parts that I was not sharing.... stepping up to what they needed, and of course exactly what I needed. I feel that I have had past lives with them, and am so honored they CHOSE to dance with me again. Wise young (and old) souls that I am still in awe of, loving every easy and tough moment. I cannot describe the love they have shown me, and taught me. It is a bond like no other, and honestly the intensity is not understood by all. I knew from my own childhood that my most important role in this life was going to be being a mother... not for my own fulfillment, but for my spiritual growth, and to raise my vibration to be more of the soul, not the human. I cherish my grown children, Tiara 32, and Jonah 37. I hope to someday be honored to be called grandma and apply all of that wonderful wisdom and unconditional love on another generation of absolutely gorgeous souls with such big hearts. My children have taught me to be ME, and awake and alive. They have taught me to love with every cell of my body, and feel every emotion.... and helped me evolve. They are my higher education, my rocks, my sages, my soul food, and such a gift to the world. Just by being them - human, yet wise beyond this universe. It is very hard not to live near them, but I gave them roots and wings, and they filled my heart so I can feel them close by always! ~ Infinite Love & Gratitude