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Tamara S. Graham
Jul 9, 20206 min read
Comfort ~ What & Where is That?
Where do you feel most comfortable? Is it nearby, or in your dreams? Take a moment and think about where you feel most like yourself: In...
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Tamara S. Graham
Feb 22, 20203 min read
The HSP Typing Cat - a highly sensitive soul
Do you have a journaling cat? We have one that teaches the other cats how to scratch out their feelings like they are typing on a...
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Tamara S. Graham
Sep 13, 20195 min read
As a light in this world, you may have noticed you attract a bit of dark. As it should be - in the land of opposites and balance....
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Tamara S. Graham
Aug 24, 20194 min read
Animals, Anxiety and Awe
Have you ever noticed how much animals can calm us down? I have found that a loving animal companion can make life so much more...
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Tamara S. Graham
Jul 14, 201911 min read
Highly Sensitive Families - embracing uniqueness
Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and Empaths come in all shapes, sizes and tolerance levels... with many variations of how our traits get...
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Tamara S. Graham
Jun 30, 20197 min read
Entanglement explained as an HSP
I watched the documentary "Heal" on Netflix for the fourth time last night and every time I experience it, I discover another piece that...
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Tamara S. Graham
Jun 7, 20195 min read
Highly Sensitive to Electronics? It can be quite shocking! ⚡️
There are so many ways being an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) can express itself. For me, it includes electronic sensitivities. You might...
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Tamara S. Graham
May 24, 20195 min read
Tears of an HSP
I have had a very intimate relationship with my own tears. They are therapeutic, expressive, and a kind of reset button for my emotional...
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