The same afternoon that we had a memorial for our beloved golden retriever, Shelbie Angel, at her favorite lake is when I first met Gracie. A few hours after we had wrapped Shelbie's collar around a tree to memorialize her love of swimming, we had gone to a friend's mother's house to preview Gracie's sibling (the fully orange cat). But as fate would have it, this tiny light grey tabby cat came running up to me like she already knew me. As soon as I sat down, she immediately climbed onto me and curled up on my heart - beginning the healing!
The woman that was looking for forever homes for these kittens said this grey cat had always been so shy and never approached anyone. But on that day, her little personality shifted into a cuddly, loving soul when she rushed over to meet me!
Gracie has very interesting “golden” back legs that we joke are really my beloved golden retriever Shelbie’s legs, may she rest in peace. This sweet cat also has one golden spot on the top of her head that we say is where Shelbie’s spirit entered her little agile body. Her golden back legs seem to have a mind of their own and crack us up often. She hangs out in Shelbie’s favorite spots in the house and they aren’t necessarily cat friendly spots lol.
In true catdog form, Gracie plays fetch better than most dogs, and leaps high into the air to catch toys like a dog catching a frisbee. She keeps us entertained and our hearts full with all of her puppy-like antics. 🐶
Gracie’s golden “Shelbie” spot shows on this photo and her love for her golden legs! Shelbie’s leg’s didn’t work well at the end of her life and this cat is very appreciative of her young beautiful legs as if it’s really Shelbie coming back to dance again!

The history of my meeting Shelbie is similar...
My daughter and I had chosen our golden retriever, Shelbie, from a photo of a puppy litter in far away Austin, Texas. We had fallen in love with the green ribboned, chubby puppy girl with the darkest fur. When we went to pick her up near our home in Illinois we had never met any of the puppies. We walked into the breeders sisters house that was full of people and puppies and Shelbie recognized us and our loving energy and came running over like a long lost love! She KNEW us from all the love we had been sending her photo ❤️
Not a day goes by that I don't miss my soulful dog, so I am thrilled that my cat is really a catdog and took on some of Shelbie's traits! I love my fur babies and they will always have a forever home in my heart.
Tami is grateful for all of her Highly Sensitive Person traits because they have made her who she is today: an optimistic, nurturing soul, full of great compassion. Being a mother has been her hardest and most rewarding job since her unique and sensitive children have been her greatest inspiration and teachers. She is currently writing a series of children’s books for HSP families. You can see updates on progress at as the illustrator is busy on books 1 and 2!
{Copyright 2019 - 2021 - Most photos are the property of Tamara S. Graham unless noted otherwise}
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